
The Ghost’s Daughter (Army Brat Hauntings, #1)

From the series: Army Brat Hauntings

New schools.

New friends.

No money.

Life as an Army Brat is always challenging. Especially when you’re being haunted.

In the summer of 1956, in the midst of the Cold War, Vivien Brewer, army brat, moves with her family to Camp Breckinridge. She and her sister join friends exploring a nearby abandoned hospital. She’s been told not to go there, but...

The World Ends at the River (Army Brat Hauntings, #2)

From the series: Army Brat Hauntings

During the hot and humid summer of ‘57, Vivien Brennan’s father is sent to France to protect the free world during the Cold War. Vivien lives on a remote farm in Middle Tennessee with her grandma, mother, and sister. Compared to her earlier encounter with the nurse’s ghost last summer, life is idyllic. School is out and down the road from the...

Friends Like Dust

Army Brat Hauntings
Book #3 from the series: Army Brat Hauntings

“Friends Like Dust is a paranormal page-turner that will haunt you to the last page.” Pamela K. Kinney, author of Werewolves, Dogmen, and Other Shapeshifters and the YA fantasy, Demon Memories.

Even ghosts have secrets-and Vivien learns those secrets can be deadly.

Vivien Brewer doesn’t make friends easily. She loves to read and enjoys her own...

Game of the Dead (Army Brat Hauntings, #4)

From the series: Army Brat Hauntings

Most ghosts seek revenge.
This one wants to fulfill the dream stolen from her—
but she needs Vivien’s help.

Vivien and family have moved to Texas where her father is stationed at Ft. Hood. While hiking, she stumbles over a grave marker for a girl her own age named Florence Macartan, who died in 1910. An old newspaper article reports that Florence...

Underbelly Magazine: Autumn 2018

Fans of splatterpunk, bizarro, extreme horror and transgressive fiction of all sorts, delve with us into The Underbelly.Nine tales featuring zombie porn shoots, to accidental cannibalism, a new type of demon baby, and other weirdness from: Kevin Berg Jim TremlettPaul RocheCary HerwigKyle MillerAnthony FergusonThomas BrauneMatthew LyonsKen...